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Welcome to February

One month down and 11 to go in the year 2013.  Let's take a look at this short and very cold month!

February is the Month of:
  • American Heart Month
  • An Affair to Remember Month
  • Black History Month
  • Canned Food Month
  • Creative Romance Month
  • Great American Pie Month
  • National Cherry Month
  • National Children’s Dental Health Month
  • National Grapefruit Month
  • National Weddings Month

February- Day by Day(With my comments in Bold!)

1 National Freedom Day
2 Ground Hog Day
2 Candlemas
3 The Day the Music Died - Buddy Holly, Richie Valens and the Big Bopper died in a plane crash in 1959 in Clear Lake, Iowa
4 Create a Vacuum Day
4 Thank a Mailman Day
5 National Weatherman's Day
6 Lame Duck Day
7 Wave All you Fingers at Your Neighbor Day - Seriously?  There is a holiday for this?
7 Send a Card to a Friend Day - I wonder if Hallmark created this one...
8 Boy Scout Day
8 Kite Flying Day - in the middle of winter!?!
9 Toothache Day - And what if you don't have a Toothache?
10 Umbrella Day - More Like Snow Boots Day in Iowa!
11 Don't Cry over Spilled Milk Day - Whatever!
11 Make a Friend Day
11 White T-Shirt Day
12 Abraham Lincoln's Birthday
12 Plum Pudding Day - that just sounds disgusting!
13 Get a Different Name Day - Mr. Awesome will do!
14 Clean out Your Computer Day - second Monday of Month
14 Ferris Wheel Day - It is a little cold to ride a Ferris Wheel in February!
14 National Organ Donor Day
14 Valentine's Day
15 Candlemas - on the Julian Calendar
15 National Gum Drop Day
15 Singles Awareness Day
16 Do a Grouch a Favor Day - I will do Clay Arnold a favor if he wants
17 Random Acts of Kindness Day
18 National Battery Day
19 National Chocolate Mint Day
20 Cherry Pie Day
20 Hoodie Hoo Day - What is a Hoodie Hoo?  Sounds like something from Dr. Seuss.  
20 Love Your Pet Day - In our house, this is known as "Pamper Chato Day!"
21 Card Reading Day
21 President's Day - third Monday of month
22 George Washington's Birthday
22 Be Humble Day
22 Walking the Dog Day - Chato gets a special walk today, as long as it isn't freezing!
22 International World Thinking Day - My suggestion - World Leaders should get together and think of some solutions for this messed up world!
23 International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day - Our Dog Chato will be happy today!
23 Tennis Day - Kevin Cooper will be partying it up today!
24 National Tortilla Chip Day - Love this one!
25 Pistol Patent Day - WTF?  You get a patent for a pistol or what?  
26 Carnival Day
26 National Pistachio Day - I will skip this one.  Not a big Pistachio fan!
26 Tell a Fairy Tale Day
27 Polar Bear Day  -- I love Polar Bears!
27 No Brainer Day -
28 Floral Design Day
28 Public Sleeping Day - This may become my new favorite Holiday!
28 National Tooth Fairy Day
29 Leap Day (once every four years) -- We Don't have to worry about this one in 2011!
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